Nocanbiebb bot of legends
Nocanbiebb bot of legends

nocanbiebb bot of legends

These picks are stronger if a ranged ADC is picked in another role so that the team does not lack in siege potential later in the game. They are picked almost entirely for their kill threat in bot lane, as it can be difficult to play them from behind. Melee carries are much rarer in bot lane but still are viable for patches at a time. But by nature of being utility, they always bring something positive to team fights for their teams. On the downside, they have limited mobility and can be easily targeted in team fights and in lane. That makes them a great pick to cover for other roles. These champions all have an initiation tool, very rare for an ADC. The Utility ADC role has weaknesses but brings great tools to a team fight (Image via Riot Games) They often lack the same damage as other mid laners, but offer some waveclear.

nocanbiebb bot of legends

By taking the gold from mid lane, they are able to provide stronger shields and heals and add an even stronger layer of protection to a teammate. Support mid laners are often chosen to augment a hypercarry pick on the team. They struggle against hard engage from enemies - due to their limited mobility like control mages. They typically have great waveclear and can contribute to fights when ahead or behind. Poke mages use their long-range spells to try to poke out enemy champions from being able to fight. It also makes them potent laners when they hit level 6 and unlock their ultimate. Burst mages pick their one opening in a fight and commit their entire burst. They differ from control mages in that they have less consistent damage. Burst Mageīurst mage champions focus on one target and spend all of their abilities to pick up the kill (Image via Riot Games)īurst mages look to dump their damage in one spell rotation to zero out one or more champions. Control mages are a great backline presence to output semi-consistent magic damage and control zones of the map for your team in fights. They possess waveclear, hold up in lane, and scale well throughout the game. Control MageĬontrol mage is the classic class of mid laners. In addition to being weaker early, AP assassins also typically lack waveclear, often problematic when the team is behind. They take a bit longer to ramp up, but also tend to have safer ways to get out of fights later in the game. AP AssassinĪP assassins - like AD assassins - also prey on the squishy champions mid lane but are more reliant on their abilities and levels to ramp up. AD assassins look to take advantage of squishy champions with low mobility in the mid lane to try to find kills early and roam.

nocanbiebb bot of legends

Traditionally, you see magic damage coming from the mid lane, so these picks are often compensated with magic damage elsewhere in the composition. Mid Lane AD AssassinĪD assassins look to take advantage of squishy champions with low mobility (Image via Riot Games) They thrive in small skirmishes and ganking. AP junglers are very squishy as well and are often used to set up picks on the enemy. Uncommon like top laners, AP junglers are also often picked because the team composition needs an extra kick of magic damage. AD junglers are good for aggressive players and are typically at high health throughout their jungle clears. They won’t offer the tankiness of other junglers, but they are often strong early and do well in skirmishes.

nocanbiebb bot of legends

These are AD heavy champions that can carry out of the jungle. Their lower economy often forces them to prioritize health over resistances. As the laning phase ends, they prioritize tanky items to survive in team fights. They want to build damage early to take advantage of their early gank strength. Jungle bruisers function the same way as top lane bruisers. Playing a bruiser role in the jungle means often prioritizing health over resistances (image via Riot Games) Supports are highly susceptible to early ganks, but transition well later if they have strong enough allies to buff up. They are usually ranged and can poke down melee top laners early. Support top laners are most often used to support a hypercarry of some kind. They are often used to counter melee matchups top lane to try to snowball a large early lead. They often do not transition as well later in the game as the trade-off for their early game dominance. Ranged lane bullies are picked to win their lane matchup. Most will attempt to use waveclear to survive the lane as a squishy champion and transition to team fights later in the game. That is not to say that AP champions cannot thrive top, as they often have very good poke damage. AP champions in the top lane live for late-game teamfights (Image via Riot Games)ĪP champions are taken top usually because the team composition is AD-heavy everywhere else.

Nocanbiebb bot of legends